How to Meet the Strategic Challenge Posed by China
January 18, 2021
Aloha, Fellow Republicans:
2020 was a very demanding, stressful, and trying time for all of us. For me, I am incredibly grateful because my husband and I took the COVID test twice and the results for both tests came out negative. In my opinion, and probably yours, the most profound event was the egregious, fabricated, and fraudulent elections. I am still in a stupor even with so much evidence that was presented. Please see the Epoch Times’ investigative video on the election fraud which, in my opinion, is the most comprehensive video on the topic.
There is a new kid on the block! A national coalition has been formed called The Keep Nine Amendment. The intent of keepnine is to ensure the number of Supreme Court justices remain at nine. The Republican National Committee did approve a resolution which is posted on this website (under the Legislation tab), and the National Federation of Republican Women will be submitting a resolution favoring keepnine. Currently, there is already bipartisan legislation that has been introduced in Congress to keep the number at nine; however, the coalition would like everyone to be involved because the concern is that the Democrats will pack the court, and I believe the deadline to get the amendment passed is by the end of the year. I will try to see if the HFRW can also submit a similar bi-partisan resolution. Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s video on the Supreme Court entitled, “Nine is a Good Number” is posted on the HFRW website. But, if you want to see the legislation and learn more, the link to the website is below:
January is a time for great preparation as every year on the Third Wednesday of this month, the Hawaii State Legislature convenes. In one of the Convention of States conference calls which I sat in on, Rep. Sam Kong was a guest, and he noted that there is a new committee that was formed, appropriately named Government Reform. Recently, I found out that Rep. Gene Ward is a member of that committee, so I know he will be our eyes and ears. However, I still have great concern because now that we are 2 less Republicans at the state capitol, who knows what nefarious legislation will come out of that committee. On the other hand, the members of that committee just may decide to put a limit on extending lockdowns. We all know our state is in a financial crisis, and I am cringing as to how they will come up with additional monies to make up for the shortfall.
Every year, the HFRW is interested in legislation, so below I am listing the issues we will try to follow:
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and 2nd Amendment Rights: Any bill that tries to eliminate any of our constitutional rights should be opposed.
Abortion Bills: We are pro-life! The Abortion Survivor Protection Act will, again, be introduced, and the bill’s 3 key points are: (1) it does not interfere with the abortionist terminating the life of the unborn baby; (2) it does not interfere with a woman’s right to hire an abortionist to terminate the life of the child she is carrying; and (3) this protects the life of a viable baby that has miraculously survived the abortion.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (“CSE”); Human Trafficking; Pornography: Several of our HFRW members sat in on the November 12, 2020, webinar sponsored by the Protect Child Health Coalition. The gist of that webinar stated that CSE is now being used by pedophiles and human traffickers as a tool to desensitize our children from molestation and human traffickers because there is a correlation between sexual orientation gender identity (being taught in schools) and grooming tactics used by pedophiles and traffickers. Regarding pornography, some articles I have read noted that those addicted to porn started when they were incredibly young (school age!!), and now, as adults, they are attracted to minors. The HFRW will be introducing several resolutions regarding these topics. This is in line with the Resolution Opposing Child Exploitation which fellow Republicans passed overwhelmingly at the Hawaii Republican Party convention last year. The National Federation of Republican Women Task Force on Human Trafficking will continue to notify the HFRW and fellow Republicans about key Congressional legislation being introduced on human trafficking.
Socialism: We will be on the look out for any bills that favor Universal Health Care, Uniform Basic Income, Medicare for All, Free Tuition for Colleges, Euthanasia for those 75 years-old or older. We strongly oppose those bills!
State of Hawaii’s Fiscal Numbers: The only thing I can say is, “We’re in deep kimchee!!!” because this is what we are dealing with: (1) According to the Tax Foundation of Hawaii, there is an expected $1.4 billion shortfall over each of the next four years; (2) according to Civil Beat’s May 2020 article, the public pension system has a shortfall of $14 billion and is not going to be able to cover the gap until at least 2045 while the State’s health plan is worse with unfunded liabilities of $12.4 billion and the funding gap going until 2050. Unfortunately, I believe there will be a whole slew of tax bills.
Oahu County Chair Brett Kulbis and an HFRW member sent an email to Oahu County Republicans on legislation that have already been submitted on Initiative, Referendum, and Recall; Elections; and I think Government Management. We will support his efforts.
Other website updates include: (1) Hillsdale College’s Imprimis articles; (2) the tab marked Legislation will have the RNC’s Legislation supporting keepnine; and I have posted Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.”
While the world is going crazy and there are many conflicting alternative channels putting out videos as to what President Trump will/will not do, there are two factors we need to remember: (1) As Republicans, we must unceasingly continue to fight for our conservative values; and (2) God is ALWAYS in control. I do know He supports and loves us!
Until my next newsletter, Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
My warmest regards,
(Mrs.) Donna Van Osdol
Donna Van Osdol
President, Hawaii Federation of Republican Women
Leader, Task Force on Human Trafficking, National Federation of Republican Women
Secretary, Oahu County Rules Committee
HD36, Delegate, Rules Committee
HD36, Alternate, Platform Committee